SHIMANO CURADO 200E7 – Cast for Miles

Well here we are nearly two months after purchasing the SHIMANO CURADO 200E7. I cant say enough how impressed I am with this baitcasting reels ability to cast long. because of it’s great casting I decided to pull out all of my other baitcasting reels for an informal test. Quite simply I turned off any of the anti-backlash features such as magnets and weights and loosened spool tension adjustment knob to the point where it no longer contacted the spool. I did this for all of my reels.  I then proceeded to give the spools a flick with my finger to get them rotating. My goal was basically to see how long the spools would freewheel.

The result: all of my reels would stop rotating almost instantly while the SHIMANO CURADO 200E7 would spin for many seconds. not only did the Curado spin the longest it was the easiest to get rotating which makes sense.

Backlash: The downside of such a long casting smooth running reel is the ability to create a monster backlash with the untrained finger or someone used to reels of lesser ability.

My old reels were all operated without any of the anti-backlash devices in place for years. I never needed them. In fact on two reels I lost the spool friction cap because I kept it so loose. So upon getting the SHIMANO CURADO I set everything to it’s lowest possible setting and proceeded to generate the biggest backlash I had ever obtained. In fact it was my first backlash in probably over a decade. I’m so glad the only witness was Toby.

Over the next few months I plan on getting a few more reels of varying price ranges to see how they compare.

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