Category Archives: Lures
Storm Lures Arashi Spinbait

Storm Lures Arashi Spinbait The Arashi Spinbait attracts wary suspended fish on the fall and during the retrieve with its delicate rolling action and revolving blades. Slow sinking – head down with a slight body shimmy and moving propellers as Continue reading Storm Lures Arashi Spinbait
Choosing Soft Plastic Colors for Bass
Choosing Soft Plastic Colors for Bass This article is too good not to share
Lobina Lures Rico and the $23 Cast
It’s no secret I am a huge fan of bass fishing with topwater lures, poppers in particular. I spent most of my life fishing with the infamous REBEL POP-R then last year I decided to try out some new popper Continue reading Lobina Lures Rico and the $23 Cast
New Rapala Products for 2012
X-Rap Pop and X-Rap Prop deliver topwater mayhem to Rapala thrillseekers. Two of the handful of new Rapala lures ready to explode on a lake, river or saltwater flat near you. There is no other moment like it. The topwater Continue reading New Rapala Products for 2012
Last season while fishing the small local lake, Lake Wintergreen I notice a major portion of the shore fishing is blocked by lily pads I also noticed that the water occasionally exploded from within or at the very edge of Continue reading TOPWATER BASS FISHING with FROG LURES – New To Me